This week Lauren from 365 Days of Reading is going to be doing a review of 2 books this week and they book look AWESOME!
First off, thanks for inviting me to be a part of this feature, Alice! <3
I’m a huge fantasy fanatic, so I thought I should probably throw down a couple of my favorite fantasy titles. And let me clarify: by fantasy, I don’t mean paranormal—I mean the kind of fantasy that takes you to a whole different world!

The first one I’ll mention is pretty old—it came out before YA became really popular—but it was recently reprinted with a fancy new cover!
Dreamhunter is one of my favorite YA fantasy titles. It has a kind of classic feel to it—you can tell by the way it’s written. Elizabeth Knox’s writing style is wonderfully descriptive, and though compared to today’s YA it may seem a tad dense, it’s truly beautiful. Another great thing about Dreamhunter? Its plot is completely unpredictable. I was blown away by the creativity of the story. To get the full effect, you’ll need to read both Dreamhunter and its sequel—my mind was completely blown, and yours will be, too!
Quick summary: Laura is one of the unique few that can enter into The Place, an invisible world that overlaps a piece of land in her country. In The Place, Dreamhunters can catch pleasant dreams and bring them back to share with people willing to pay a price. But when Laura catches a nightmare, she uncovers things that were never meant to be discovered.
Quick summary: Yelena, a girl on death row, is offered a boon—she can be spared her sentence if she agrees to become a food-taster for the ruler of her country. Thus, Yelena begins to learn how to identify every kind of poison imaginable by taste. But surviving poisoning isn’t Yelena’s only obstacle—she must confront her inner demons and escape the person who wanted her on death row to begin with!
So those are my recommendations! If you haven’t read them before, I’d really suggest adding them to your wish list. You won’t be disappointed! :)
So make sure you check out Lauren's blog 365 Days of Reading and add these two wonderful books to your TBR piles!
Ooh I'm liking the new Dreamhunter cover. It's an improvement to the old one for sure. I loved both these books, the Study series is so awesome!